Home Page My most notable game develeopment related stuff is on this page

Worked on:

  • Networking (client - server)
  • web api
  • database
  • auto scaling
  • match making
  • cloud platform
  • autobuild
  • tools





 Intel 8086 Emulator and disassembler

 Custom Engine made using C++, OpenGL and SDL.


 Engine Features:

  • post processing
  • fog
  • water
  • reflections
  • procedural generation
  • dynamic chunk loading/unloading
  • lighting
  • shadows
  • asset management
  • skybox
  • .obj model loading
  • Dear ImGui integration
  • logging
  • particles
  • shell texturing
  • sounds & music
  • UI
  • Input
  • window events handling
  • engine as a static lib
  • hot reloading shaders
  • shader preprocessing (#include)


Procedural terrain game made with my engine:

Download Link



Another game made using an older version of the Engine:

Made in C with SDL & OpenGL. Used SteamAPI for steam integration, had to create C bindings for C++ steam api.


Link to steam store.




Mandelbulb 3D real time fractal ray marching rendering - SDF renderer made with C & OpenGL


Download Link


Worked on it for half a year, mostly gameplay and VR programming.


Made for a contractor in Unity.

I did all the programming including the networking.

link to itchio page: embrionik.itch.io/meta


5+ projects under the NDA

Made for Hack PC (Coursera course: from Nand to Tetris).

  • Built a custom CPU with only Nand gates.
  • Made assembly language and assmebler for Hack cpu.
  • Made VM translator for translating VM language to assembly.
  • Made Compiler for jack language which compiles to the VM code.
  • Made a simple OS for Hack PC 
  • Built Sokoban game for Hack PC. 
My involvement in this project:
  • Game Design
  • Level Design
  • Procedural Generators
  • Gameplay, Tools and general programming

I'm not allowed to share a build of the game but I have permission to show video.

My involvement in this project:
  • Game Design
  • Level Design
  • Procedural Generators
  • Gameplay, Tools and general programming

I'm not allowed to share a build of the game but I have permission to show video.

Made for college showcase.

Download link

Filip Buzov
Programmer and game developer since I was a kid. I also have professional experience in Level and Game design and I'm always learning something new, lately I was mostly focusing on electronics and low level programming along with creating art and music in free time.